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Daniel Dennis health and safety award congress 2014

At congress in  June 2014 shani hocking was awarded the Daniel Dennis award for health and safety which was presented at congress by the actor and trade union supporter Ricky Tomlinson and GMB national president Mary Turner.
Shani`s success is due to her input and work on health and safety in Lincolnshire partnership foundation trust NHS  Mary also congratulated Shani on her recruitment record
The branch congratulates Shani on this achievement and also winning the TUC award which was presented at the TUC congress in Sept 2014. This highlights how successful the branch is becoming which can not be achieved without the support of our members and reps. Have you done anything to shout about or has your workplace rep earned the praise of his colleages and deserves a recommendation in some form please let me know.

Posted: 20th February 2015

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